Hello World Program in Python: A Beginner’s Guide

The “Hello World” program is often the first step in learning any programming language. It serves as a simple yet essential introduction to how a programming language works, how code is written, and how the program is executed. In this blog post, we’ll explore the basics of the “Hello World” program in Python, its syntax, … Read more

Python Integration with Gemini AI

Here in this article we can see how we can Integrate Gemini AI In our python code. Source Code – # PYTHON FOR VOICE # 1. GET VOICE COMMAND FROM USER #AIzaSyBakQATervFkxwe8e4YIz8E2KCU1yzvDb4 import speech_recognition as sr import google.generativeai as genai import os from gtts import gTTS import pyttsx3 recognizer = sr.Recognizer() API_KEY=”AIzaSyBakQATervFkxwe8e4YIz8E2KCU1yzvDb4″ genai.configure(api_key=API_KEY) def capture_voice_input(): … Read more

Building an Intelligent Voice Bot with Azure Services 🤖 | Azure Voice Bot

To build an Intelligent Azure Voice Bot, we need to install some libraries in python and also we need to get the key from azure portal and use it in our code. Azure Speech Services Integration The bot starts by integrating Azure Speech SDK, which converts spoken language into text In this we need to … Read more